A trademark, service mark, or tradename is a word, name symbol, device or combination thereof, adopted and used by a manufacturer, service provider, or merchant to identify goods and services in order to distinguish them from others. A patent gives legal recognition to the inventor, creator or discoverer of a new product, procedure or composition of matter. You may obtain a patent or federal trademark by fulfilling all the requirements of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. For more information, contact:
State trademarks, servicemarks and tradenames can be obtained through:
The Secretary of State Business Services Trademark Division Room 328 Howlett Office Building Springfield, Illinois 62756 217-524-0400
A copyright is a form of protection provided to an author of original works including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, sound recordings and certain other intellectual works.
The Copyright Office Library of Congress Washington, D.C. 20559 202/707-3000 TDD: 202/707-6737